Artwork sightings

By Camille Moore

Kimi Frazier, Bianca High and Andrea Williams also contributed to the story

ATLANTA—Since painting at Sunset Sessions last year, Erica Arndts artwork is popping up throughout the city. She is a currently the resident artist at Artmore Hotel in Atlanta, supplying 25 art pieces for an installation a few weeks ago.

Some of her artwork is on display at Higlander, a bar across from Park Tavern. Her artwork has also been viewed at Sedgwick Gallery, Salon Modello, Nouvelle Nail Spa, Milltown Tavern, Cafe 640, The Stacks Lofts and Artists Tour and The Chocolate and Art Show.

She had a year exhibit at Jinky’s Café in Los Angeles, and in 2013 she had the opportunity to live-paint a Georgia inspired custom guitar at the Big Gigantic concert at the Tabernacle.  That guitar was featured at the 2013 Made in America Music Festival in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

“Painting at Sunset Sessions as been an amazing platform,” she said. “They have bought some of my paintings and have hanged them in the restaurant.”

Though her paintings are gaining notary, she does not like her paintings to be displayed in galleries, she said.

“I feel like people in this day and age don’t frequent galleries that much,” she said. “They will go to a restaurant before they go to a gallery, so I rather have my stuff in a place that is been seen constantly, rather than a gallery people aren’t going to that much.”

When she did have her paintings in a gallery it didn’t really sell, she said. But she doesn’t think the clientele or audience that goes to galleries would be interested in her work. She said since her work is wild and speaks to a niche market, she feels it is more appropriate for bars than galleries.




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